Chocolate Covered Strawberries
- Thoroughly wash and dry the strawberries; it is important to dry the strawberries well as the chocolate won’t stick as well to wet strawberries; also, any water that drips into your melted chocolate can cause the chocolate to seize.
- Cut a small triangle out of the center of the cut part of the strawberries, rounding off the edges if necessary to make them look like strawberry hearts.
- Push a lollipop stick or skewer partway into the bottom of the strawberry; don't push too far or it will go all the way through the delicate strawberry and it won't stay on the stick.
- If having a hard time getting them to stay on the sticks, dip the tips of the sticks into some melted chocolate before pushing them into the strawberries.
- Carefully dip the strawberry hearts into the melted chocolate, pull them out and let the excess chocolate drain off; use a knife to help pull off excess chocolate as needed; be very gentle or the strawberries will fall off the sticks.
- Stand the chocolate covered strawberry hearts up in a cake pop stand, some styrofoam, in a jar filled with dried beans or prop them up some other way until they cool and the chocolate hardens.
The amount of chocolate used will depend on how thickly the strawberries are covered.
Melt more chocolate than needed to easily dip the strawberries in the chocolate.
Overheating the chocolate when melting it can untemper it; this may make the chocolate look dull when it cools again.
These strawberries are best served immediately, at room temperature, or soon after making them.
Storing them in the refrigerator can cause them to “sweat” when they are removed from the cold; to help avoid that, store them in a container over several sheets of an absorbent paper like paper towels.
If stored for more than a couple of days, they can be frozen but frozen chocolate-covered strawberries should be served and eaten frozen; thawing frozen will result in soft berries.