Newfoundland Toutons Benedict


For the Eggs:

  • 4 toutons (recipe below)
  • 4 large eggs, poached
  • 8-ounces ham, thinly sliced and lightly fried

For the Easy Summer Savory Hollandaise Sauce:

  • 3 egg yolks
  • ½ tsp. yellow mustard
  • 1 – 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • ½ tsp. fresh or dried summer savoury, optional
  • ½ cup hot melted butter


  • Prepare the toutons and lightly fry the ham.
  • Hold toutons and ham in a warm oven while you poach the eggs and make the hollandaise sauce
  • In a blender, combine the egg yolks, mustard and lemon juice for only a few seconds.
  • With the blender on medium speed, slowly pour in the hot butter in a thin stream; the sauce should thicken quite quickly.
  • Pour sauce into a bowl and keep warm in a warm water bath while preparing the other components of the Newfoundland Toutons Benedict.
  • Place the cooked ham on the warm toutons, top with a poached egg and finally the hollandaise sauce.


Recipe for Newfoundland Toutons can be found on our website at:
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